Seperti yang sudah diketahui berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan yang ada dan yang dipelajari, ikan adalah haiwan yang hidup di air. Air adalah kehidupan bagi ikan. Tanpa air ikan akan mati dan punah. Namun, ternyata ada fakta mengejutkan bahwa ditemukan ikan yang boleh hidup di darat, bahkan dalam kurun waktu yang lama mencapai hitungan tahun. Ikan hidup tanpa air, inikah ikan yang diceritakan dalam surah Al-Kahfi?
Sulit rasanya berpifir dengan logik bagaimana ikan boleh hidup tanpa air. Kerana pada dasarnya, habitat ikan adalah air. Ikan Lungfish (Protopterus Sp), adalah ikan yang diakui boleh hidup berhibernasi di darat, hidup tanpa air. Lalu, inikah sosok ikan itu? Inikah ikan yang diceritakan dalam surah Al-Kahfi?
Ibnu Abas menceritakan bahawa ia mendengar sabda Nabi Muhammad ketika Allah menanyai Musa siapakah yang paling berilmu. Musa menjawab bahawa ia yang paling berilmu. Mendengar jawaban Musa, Allah meminta ia pergi untuk menemui hamba-Nya yang saleh yang lebih berilmu daripadanya, dengan membawa seekor ikan dalam bekas. Allah bersabda kepadanya, bila nanti ikan itu menghilang, maka di situlah Musa akan bertemu hamba-Nya yang saleh.
Lalu Musa berangkat bersama murid sekaligus pembantunya iaitu Yusya. Ketika letih, mereka berdua memutuskan untuk beristirahat sejenak. Waktu itu, ikan yang dibawa olehnya tiba-tiba meronta lalu jatuh ke dalam air. Dan ikan itu kembali ke laut dengan cara yang aneh. Yusya yang menyaksikannya, terpukau pada kebesaran Allah hingga pada ia tertidur dan lupa menceritakannya pada Musa.
Setelah meneruskan perjalanan, Yusya menyampaikan tentang apa yang dilihatnya tadi. Mendengar hal itu, Musa segera menyadari sesuatu. Bahwa ia sebenarnya sudah berada di tempat hamba Allah yang saleh itu. Lalu mereka berdua memutuskan untuk kembali ke tempat peristirahatan mereka sebelumnya.
Ketika Musa dan Yusya tiba di tempat itu, yang mereka lihat adalah seorang hamba Allah dengan jubah putihnya. Lalu, Musa mengucapkan salam padanya. Kemudian Khidir menanyakan darimana Musa berasal dan siapakah ia. Musa mengatakan padanya bahwa ia memang bermaksud menemui Khidir, supaya Khidir mengajarkan padanya ilmu dan kebijaksanaan yang lebih kepadanya. Dengan tegas Khidir memberi tahu Musa, bahwa ilmu yang ia miliki adalah karunia dari Allah yang diajarkan kepadanya, namun tidak kepada Musa. Dan sebaliknya, apa yang telah Allah ajarkan pada Musa, Khidir pun tak mengetahuinya. Kemudian Musa menyampaikan bahwa ia tak sabar untuk segera mengikutinya. Dan Khidir pun mengingatkannya, bahwa Musa tak boleh menanyakan apapun juga sampai hal itu dijelaskan padanya.
Pertemuan Musa dengan Khidir membuatnya lupa akan ikan yang hilang tadi. Ikan dalam surat Al-Kahfi ini yang diakui sebagai bukti kebesaran Allah yaitu ikan yang boleh hidup tanpa air. Jenis ikan ini mampu mengerong masuk ke dalam tanah. Cara yang aneh bagi seekor ikan. Apa yang terjadi pada ikan ini adalah bukti bahwa Allah Maha besar dengan segala kuasa-Nya. Yang tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin.
Ikan yang hidup dengan cara yang aneh ini, inikah ikan yang diceritakan dalam surah Al-Kahfi? Inilah ikan yang menjadi saksi perjalanan Musa bertemu dengan Khidir. Jelaslah sudah, dalam ayat Al-Qur’an ini Allah memberi petunjuk pada mereka yang selalu memikirkan tentang kekuasan-Nya dan apa yang boleh Ia perbuat. Karena meragukan kuasa Allah dan firman Al-Qur’an. Wallahualam
Baca Juga Why the Mesothelioma Law is Very Vital for You
Why the Mesothelioma Law is Vital for You
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.
Why the Mesothelioma Law is Vital for You
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.