Gambar DI ATAS Sekadar Hiasan
Sahabat Ummi, sebagai seorang istri sering tanpa sadar kita melakukan tindakan berdosa terhadap suami, bahkan menganggap dosa tersebut adalah hal biasa saja. Padahal surga dan neraka istri ada pada ridho suaminya.
Semoga 10 daftar dosa yang paling sering dilakukan oleh istri ini bisa kita hindari agar terjauh dari kebencian suami dan laknat Allah:
1. Menafikan kebaikan suami
“Diperlihatkan Neraka kepadaku dan aku melihat kebanyakan penghuninya adalah kaum wanita, mereka kufur.”
Para Shahabat bertanya: “Apakah disebabkan kufurnya mereka kepada Allah?”
Rasul menjawab: “(Tidak), mereka kufur kepada suaminya dan mereka kufur kepada kebaikan. Seandainya seorang suami dari kalian berbuat kebaikan kepada isterinya selama setahun, kemudian isterinya melihat sesuatu yang jelek pada diri suaminya, maka dia mengatakan, ‘Aku tidak pernah melihat kebaikan pada dirimu sekalipun.’”
2. Tidak menghormati keluarga suami
Seorang suami harus berlaku lembut pada istrinya, namun demikian istri pun wajib bersikap lembut pada keluarga suami, terutama kedua orangtua suami. Jangan sampai istri memonopoli suaminya sehingga bahkan ibu dan bapaknya sendiri tak bisa mendapatkan hak mereka terhadap anak laki-lakinya.
Dalam sebuah hadits shahih, diriwayatkan bahwa Aisyah Ra bertanya kepada Rasulullah Saw, ”Siapakah yang berhak terhadap seorang wanita?”
Rasulullah menjawab, “Suaminya” (apabila sudah menikah). Aisyah Ra bertanya lagi, ”Siapakah yang berhak terhadap seorang laki-laki?” Rasulullah menjawab, “Ibunya” (HR. Muslim)
Seorang sahabat, Jabir Ra menceritakan: Suatu hari datang seorang laki-laki kepada Rasulullah Saw, ia berkata, “Ya Rasulallah, saya memiliki harta dan anak, dan bagaimana jika bapak saya menginginkan (meminta) harta saya itu?
Rasulullah menjawab, “Kamu dan harta kamu adalah milik ayahmu”. (HR. Ibnu Majah dan At- Thabrani).
3. Keluar rumah tanpa izin suami
Termasuk berpergian jauh tanpa ditemani oleh mahramnya.
“Seorang wanita tidak boleh bepergian kecuali bersama mahram.”
Hadits di atas menyangkut semua bentuk safar. Wallahu a’lam. (Syarh Muslim: 9/103, dengan sedikit perubahan)
4. Menolak ajakan suami berhubungan
Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Apabila laki-laki mengajak istrinya ke tempat tidurnya kemudian ia menolak untuk datang lalu laki-laki itu tidur semalam dalam keadaan marah kepadanya, maka ia dilaknat oleh malaikat hingga subuh.” (HR. Ahmad, Bukhari dan Muslim).
5. Berhias bukan untuk suami
“Dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang jahiliyah yang dahulu …” (QS. Al-Ahzaab: 33)
6. Mengungkit kebaikan dirinya terhadap suami
Tak sedikit istri yang mengungkit-ungkit kebaikan atau bahkan derajat dirinya di hadapan suaminya sehingga menyakiti dan merendahkan suaminya, hal ini merupakan perkara yang amat besar dosanya.
Abu Dzar radhiyallahu ‘Anhu meriwayatkan, bahwasanya Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda, “Ada tiga kelompok manusia dimana Allah tidak akan berbicara dan tak akan memandang mereka pada hari kiamat. Dia tidak mensucikan mereka dan untuk mereka adzab yang pedih.”
Abu Dzar radhiyallahu ‘anhu berkata, “Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengatakannya sebanyak tiga kali.” Lalu Abu Dzar bertanya, “Siapakah mereka yang rugi itu, wahai Rasulullah?” Beliau menjawab, “Orang yang menjulurkan kain sarungnya ke bawah mata kaki (isbal), orang yang suka mengungkit-ungkit kebaikannya dan orang yang suka bersumpah palsu ketika menjual. ” [HR. Muslim]
7. Membangkang terhadap suami (nusyuz)
Ibnu Katsir rahimahullah berkata, “Nusyuz adalah meninggalkan perintah suami, menentangnya dan membencinya” (Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 4: 24).
“Wanita-wanita yang kamu khawatirkan nusyuznya, maka nasehatilah mereka dan pisahkanlah mereka di tempat tidur mereka, dan pukullah mereka. Kemudian jika mereka mentaatimu, maka janganlah kamu mencari-cari jalan untuk menyusahkannya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar” (QS. An Nisa’: 34).
8. Menggugat cerai tanpa alasan syari
“Wanita mana saja yang meminta kepada suaminya untuk dicerai tanpa kondisi mendesak maka haram baginya bau surga” (HR Abu Dawud no 2226, At-Turmudzi 1187).
Astaghfirullah, semoga kita terhindar dari dosa-dosa tersebut.
Baca Juga Why the Mesothelioma Law is Very Vital for You
Why the Mesothelioma Law is Vital for You
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.
Why the Mesothelioma Law is Vital for You
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.
Mesothelioma law is very vital and it provides a chance for a victim or a person who has been exposed to asbestos, to claim compensation that will ease their troubles. The laws are very specific and clear and they can be used by a person who has discovered they might have had an exposure or by a person who has just been diagnosed with the fatal disease. The mesothelioma law will compensate for pain, suffering, medical costs and other related expenses and it will also cover the possible loss of an income. Firstly, it is vital to establish what exactly mesothelioma is and who are at risk of getting it. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium which is the lining of various organs like the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of the illness is asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of minerals that are found naturally which are mostly used as insulators due to their incredible properties which include the following. They are resistant to both heat and fire which have earned them the name of a miracal mineral. It is used to make so many products and the following are some of the industries you will find it being used in automotive, building, construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and so many other industries. People who work in asbestos mines are probably at a bigger risk. You can find other laws under the mesothelioma laws which include the personal injury law. You can seek compensation for your loss because of a person who was negligent and caused your problems.
There are so many aspects to the law on mesothelioma and you need to know all you can so that you can make the correct decision. The person who is better placed to guide you is a mesothelioma lawyer or attorney. They will show you which direction to follow if you wish to undertake a legal suit. They must therefore have the proper qualification and experience. They should have proof of a valid license to practice. This is because the mesothelioma cases that have succeeded, have gotten a lot of money and people are willing to fake their qualifications and act as middlemen so that they can gain in the end. Consider a lawyer who is near you. This will go a long way to make your work easier as you start to prepare for the case.
They should have evidence of the cases they have handled successfully so that you can totally put your trust in them. The case is very vital and you therefore need to take as much time as you can to make sure that you have a lawyer who is dedicated to your case. The lawyer will explain everything about the mesothelioma law and guide you towards making the right decision. When you have any concern or question, they will take you through. The other vital aspect you need to consider is that you must agree on the lawyer fee before you hire them. The stake is high and you want a price that will satisfy everyone. When you are content with the lawyer and your terms of agreement, go ahead with the case to the very end.